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Tea Garden

Tea Garden

The tea garden was located to the north of the main house. It was surrounded by 70' x 95' sandstone walls and iron fencing. The garden contained benches, various plants and shrubs. Swans would be swimming in the small water area.


Overlooking Fort Worth, Texas, the tea garden along with the surrounding property is believed to be one of the highest points in Tarrant County, located on a 1,000' hill. It was the site of many after dinner conversations.


It is important to note that many of the patrons of Top O' Hill never knew of the gambling activity that was in progress downstairs while they were dining in the restaurant or passing the time in the tea garden.


To the casual, the Top O' Hill was simply the finest in dining and scenery. To the gambler, it was a haven furnished with the latest in gambling paraphernalia.

Many famous orchestras could be heard playing in the evening. One of the dancers who performed with "The Ruth Laird's Texas Rockets" recalled hearing the Tommy Dorsey and Herman Waldman Orchestra many times in the tea garden.


Many prayers and proposals have taken place in this scenic garden since the purchase of the property in 1956.


Anchoring the formal Tea Garden, this structure served as the staging area for many instrumental groups such as Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra and other notable ensembles.



A spectacular view of the countryside and today, parts of a residential area are seen from the tea garden overlook. A stage would be set up with room for performers such as dancers, singers, or musicians to do their specialties against this magnificent backdrop.